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"Thank God for our Irish Roots"
Shared Stories, Letters, Articles, etc.
Pioneer Stories
Irish Ancestors Instill Love
Hauled Stone at Night
How they got across the ocean
Hannah Ryan starts teaching.
Helena, Scott County
Four Families from Ireland
One Day in Camp
1876 Centennial Article
Century Farm
The Good Old Days
Clans and Familes of Ireland
Early Settlers List at Cedar Lake
Ancestors arriving in Minnesota
Newspaper Articles
650 Celebrate Irish at an Irish Church
Irish Families Gather at St. Patricks
Archbishop John R. Roach
Lt Sweeney lost in the Pacific
Michael Hickey Dead
Nate and Kelly Alvar Story
Drowned in Minnesota River
Anthony Brennan shot by neighbor
Auction - William Ryan
James G. Ryan Intarsia
Woman of Achievement
Was 31 Years Old
Hickey Land - Irish Ancestors
St Patrick News
Belle Plaine Enquirer
Ss Zacchaeus Grandparent Stories
Frank Ryan to Julia Ryan (Mama)
T. Frank and Margaret Ryan Memories
Sylvia Ryan Doerr Memories
Tara J. Yorek Story
Terry Ryan Reisinger Memories
Viola Ryan Stanton Stories
Loretta Ryan Stanton Stories
Frank Ryan letter to Mama (typed)
Frank Ryan letter to Mom
Letter to Grandpa James J. Ryan
Letter from Ss Stanislaus
Archbishop Osta letter to Ss Zacchaeus
Jimmy Ryan letter to Ss Zacchaeus
Ss Zacchaeus Memories
Phil Coulter letter to Ss Zacchaeus
Grandpa and Grandma Hickey
An Irish Wake
Loretta Ryan Stanton Memories
A Blizzard
Ss Zacchaeus Stories
Memories of Charlies Kohls
Margaret Doherty Stories
More Stories from Margaret Doherty
Teresa Ryan Halloran Letter
Letter Margaret Ryan to Ss Z
Ss Stanislaus letter to Sister
Fr Brynes to Ss Z
Fr Stuart to Ss Z (1st letter)
Fr Stuart to Ss Z (2nd letter)
Arch Bishop Roach to Ss Z (Kennedy Sisters)
Fintan Callinan to Ss Z
Florence Ryan Busch
The Thirties in Lakeville
Mom's Gold Rosary
The Kohls Farm
Sure she does.
Genevieve Ryan Schaak Stories
Bud Brennan and Cleve
The Blizzard of Nov 11, 1940
Mother of Eight
Margaret Brennan
Margaret Fortney Westman Memories
Loretta Ryan Stanton Memories
St. Patrick
St. Patrick Golden Golden Jubilee
All Saints Parish - Lakeville
All Saints Church
Father Hart
Fr Knauff - A long Pastorate
St. Patrick Recollections
St. Catherine's
St Patrick's by Ss Zacchaeus
History of St. Patrick's
Archbishop Roach 1979 Homily
St. Patrick Recollections
Ron Ryan Jr Articles
Thomas Ryan Park Dedication
Thomas Ryan Park Article (Typed)
Walter Halloran
Robert "Bob" Ryan
St Catherine's Church
Connie Yorek remembering Ss Zacchaeus
Remembering Sylvia Doerr by the Yoreks
Remembering Grandparents
Remembering Maria Hickey Brennan
Aunt Gen
Stories of Michael and Margaret Hickey
St. Patrick's Day at St. Patrick
St. Pats Day at St. Pat's Clip
Intarsia by Jim Ryan
Armistice Day Blizzard
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